Partner spotlight Chiat Hin (WINPAQ)

31 May 2024

The Strength of Partnerships: How Chiat Hin Envelope Manufacturer Sdn. Bhd. (WINPAQ) Propelled to New Heights with PaperOne™

"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

Achieving success is no easy task, especially if attempted alone. It is based on this belief that PaperOne supports its partners in achieving mutual goals. One such inspiring partnership is between Chiat Hin Envelope Manufacturer and PaperOne. To delve deeper into this collaboration and its impact, we spoke with Ms. Teh Jia Ying, Procurement and Purchasing Executive at Chiat Hin on the importance of finding a partner you can grow with.

Ms Teh Jia Ying of the Procurement and Purchasing department oversees the sourcing of new products and suppliers, ensuring all materials are cost-effective and of high quality.

A Glimpse into Chiat Hin Envelope Manufacturer

Chiat Hin, renowned for its world-class envelope quality, has been a trusted name since 1969. “We are renowned for our envelopes' world-class quality which is ensured through the quality management system governed by ISO 9001. Today, we offer a wide variety of standard, corporate, and speciality envelopes for customers across the world and still growing.”, shares Ms Teh.

Chiat Hin’s product range includes envelopes for retail, commercial, corporate, and speciality use

Establishing a Partnership with Mutual Benefits

When seeking a partner, it is crucial to identify someone who shares your objectives and possesses the capabilities to complement and enhance your strengths. Chiat Hin has been utilising various PaperOne products, including Inkjet, Envelope Grade, and Laser Grade papers over 26 years. These products are valued for their consistent quality and competitive pricing.

Additionally, the PaperOne Ingredient Marketing Programme has played a crucial role in this partnership. This programme aligns with Chiat Hin’s commitment to quality and sustainability by emphasising the superior ingredients and raw materials used, thereby enhancing brand reputation and market presence.

Ms. Teh shared that PaperOne has also supported their operations with:

Consistent Quality: Ensuring a reliable supply of high-quality materials.

Competitive Prices: Allowing Chiat Hin to maintain a competitive edge.

Comprehensive Service: Supporting Chiat Hin in developing a unique market advantage.

Chiat Hin’s high-quality products have enabled them to serve customers worldwide.

Leveraging Partners’ Insights and Knowledge

With our industry insights and knowledge, PaperOne can share guidance on dealing with shared challenges within the industry. In Chiat Hin’s case, market paper price fluctuations and securing tonnage allocations were significant hurdles. However, close collaboration with APRIL’s customer representatives helped Chiat Hin secure competitive prices, timely tonnage allocations, and reliable deliveries.

Chiat Hin’s partnership with APRIL has been instrumental in their growth into a world-class manufacturer.

Driving Towards the Same Goal: Sustainability

According to Ms Teh, sustainability is a core focus for Chiat Hin, similar to PaperOne. Chiat Hin faces challenges in ensuring that its supply chain adheres to sustainable practices. To address this, they have implemented initiatives like rainwater harvesting, solar energy usage, paper recycling, and wastewater evaporation. Chiat Hin is committed to fully executing the 17 sustainable development goals and advancing automation with the Industrial 4.0 concept.

Advice for Aspiring Professionals

Ms Teh advises those entering the field to seek out partnerships that can help make an impact and to also prioritise ESG practices, as they represent the next level for the paper industry.

Her motivational mantra is simple yet powerful: "Do good and good will come to you."