1 August 2021
Mr. Adam She
Unique Paper Corporation
Welcome to the PaperOne™ customer feature, where we interview our clients to find out more about them, their company, their thoughts on the industry, and their partnership with APRIL Group.
本月的專訪,我們邀請到台灣宇強國際股份有限公司的董事長,Adam She。
This month, we spoke with Mr. Adam She, Chairman of Unique Paper Corporation.
PaperOne™: 佘董事長您好,謝謝您百忙之中抽空接受我們的專訪,首先,請您先介紹您自己以及宇強國際吧!
Hi, Mr. Adam She, we appreciate you taking your time to speak to us! To start off, could you introduce yourself and your company?
Mr. Adam She: 很高興能有這個機會!我畢業自文化大學印刷系,出社會後即進入國內造紙廠任職,在產業中服務至今三十餘年。於2004年創立了宇強國際 (Unique Paper),就是想做一些不一樣的紙張服務事業:影印紙、特殊紙 、包裝紙、生活用紙…。起初因市場惡劣競爭下無法成為台灣既有品牌影印紙的經銷商,卻因緣際會下在香港看到PaperOne™ 品牌,良好的形象、精美的包裝,進而認定了PaperOne™,我要帶他進台灣〜從進口一貨櫃、月賣月2萬包,到現在能做到一個月銷售100萬包,在台灣影印紙市佔約1/3。
The pleasure is all mine. I graduated with a degree in Typology from Chinese Culture University, and have been devoting myself to working in the paper industry for over thirty years since. I founded Unique Paper in 2004 with the aim to distinguish our company from other paper resellers by offering printing paper, specialty paper, wrapping paper, and paper products for daily use, amongst others. However, the company did not survive the fierce competition in Taiwan as a reseller for existing printing paper brands. During that same period, I chanced upon PaperOne™’s products in Hong-Kong. I was quickly taken in by its great branding and terrific packaging, and was determined to introduce the brand to Taiwan. I started by importing a container of 20 thousand packages per month. We worked our way up with consistency, and now we import up to 1 million packages per month, a subsitantial market share in Taiwan.
PaperOne™: 這實在是很很驚人的成長!您覺得貴公司是因為什麼關鍵因素而成功呢?
This is such an astonishing achievement! What do you think are the key factors that led to your company’s success?
Mr. Adam She: 宇強特別重視與客戶的夥伴關係,不能只是做生意,我們提供給貿易夥伴更好的服務,更多的關心,永續的合作理念,眼光放遠,做到1+1>2。自然而然的,是我們引領客人往前走,提供專業、合適的產品而不只是盲目的跟隨客戶。
Unique Paper places extra emphasis on customer relationships. They could be just our customers, but we take great care in maintaining our relations with them, providing strategic counsel in line with their long-term business goals. Instead of blindly abiding by customer requirements, we lead the pathway for our clients’ progress, creating synergy through professional services and adequate products.
PaperOne™: 這樣的經營理念也讓我們獲益良多!提到夥伴,請問是什麼樣的原因讓您當初選擇APRIL集團並長期合作呢?
Your business philosophy on maintaining good customer relations is a great tip for us. On the topic of partnership, could you share what made you choose APRIL Group in the first place and how did it progress to a long-term relationship?
Mr. Adam She: 第一當然是APRIL的產品品質夠好而且穩定,第二我們不用花太多時間在溝通上, APRIL銷售單位知道我們的需要,並能適時提供協助。在我們的經營下,一同合作打開台灣PaperOne™ 的市場。APRIL十幾年來品質穩定且供貨正常,關係建立在互信互助的基礎上,合作自然長長久久。
Firstly, APRIL’s products are high in quality and reliable. Secondly, APRIL’s sales team fully understands our needs, providing trusty support whenever we need. Their efficiency has saved us substantial time from back-and-forth communication. These have led to a long-term partnership with APRIL Group based on mutual trust.
PaperOne™: 真的很感謝您對APRIL長期以來的支持,那麼請問您經銷了哪些PaperOne™ 的產品呢?
We really appreciate your continuous support. Moving on, could you share with us which PaperOne™ products you have distributed?
Mr. Adam She: 基本上PaperOne™全系列產品我都有銷售,只要是APRIL需要銷售的產品,我們都會為原廠提供的產品找到銷售商機,這不就是一個代理商所應該扮演好的角色不是嗎?我只知道隨時關心夥伴的需要就是維持良好合作關係的最重要因素。
We distribute all of PaperOne™’s products. As long as we receive a request from APRIL, we will develop the business opportunities accordingly. After all, this is our responsibility as a distributor, isn’t it? I know this for sure, that catering to your fellow partner’s needs is key to maintaining a good partnership.
PaperOne™: 與APRIL集團經銷PaperOne產品,有沒有什麼讓您印象深刻特別想分享的呢?
Next, are there any interesting stories you can share with us as a distributor of APRIL Group’s PaperOne™ products?
Mr. Adam She: 有啊!我曾經數次到印尼廠參觀造紙及植林的過程,看到April公司採用接枝、種樹苗的方式植林,過去總以為自植林是一個口號不切實際,當親眼看到親身經歷那偉大的場景,內心會有一份想流淚的激動!APRIL公司是如此用心在落實環境保護和永續發展,我們是不是應該要更認真呢?說真的〜要我如何去介紹PaperOne?我會說〜跟我走一趟植林之旅,一切就盡在不言中!,
Sure! I’ve visited factories and paper mills in Indonesia multiple times. Witnessing how APRIL adopts sustainable afforestation approaches such as grafting has inspired me. Seeing how afforestation is not merely a noble calling but an actual practice for APRIL, this inspired me to advocate for environmental protection and sustainable development as well. Frankly, there’s no better way to acknowledge APRIL Group’s ideology than visiting their afforestation program!
PaperOne™: 您的肯定我們格外感激!倒是電子雜誌、書籍以及電子文件逐漸興起,請問您又認為這樣的趨勢會如何影響紙漿以及造紙產業?
We appreciate your support all this while. On another note, digital magazines, books and documents are on the rise over the years. How do you think it will impact the paper industry?
Mr. Adam She: 老實說這些對印刷業影響最大,但造紙業以前跟印刷業是密不可分, 所以相對也受到影響。但是不要忘了在我們日常生活中還很多產品都與紙有關,舉凡包裝用紙、生活用紙、醫療科技產業、紡織…等等都跟紙張或纖維有關,遇到環保議題甚至還很多材料反而都改成紙製品。所以在未來印刷用紙的需求會降低,但產品精緻化、高科技紙材的需求卻不減反增。
Frankly, the impact is much more significant on the printing industry than on the paper industry. These two industries used to be closely intertwined, so the paper industry is still affected. However, there are still a wide range of paper-related products, such as packaging paper, paper products for daily use, medical use, textile and so on. What’s more, many raw materials are replaced with paper due to environmental concerns. Suffice to say, demand for printing paper will decrease while demand for high-end specialty paper increases.
PaperOne™: 這樣的觀點讓人深省。最後,請問您對貴公司未來五到十年的發展方向有何看法?
Your observation is insightful! Lastly, what is your priority for Unique Paper in the next five to ten years?
Mr. Adam She: 首先是數位轉型,過去客戶都是專業人士,不太需要有產品在官網做介紹,但隨著影印紙的發展,客戶組成大多是終端用戶,因此開始注重官網等數位網路平台做銷售及介紹。另一方面則是持續發展物流的細膩度及時效性,豐富產品的多元多樣化,提供公司客戶更多辦公室及日常生活用品,產生互相依存。有了廣大完整的銷售通路,良好專業的服務及運輸品質,自然宇強國際就能成為各大廠商競相爭取的代理運輸平台,創造三贏的局面。 Our top priority is digital transformation. In the past, we relied on word-of-mouth recommendations. But as the printing industry evolved, we shifted our focus to optimising our official website and e-commerce platform to cater to direct sales, as we're facing more and more end-user customers. To support our digital transformation, we will continuously improve our sophisticated and agile logistic networks and maintain comprehensive sales channels to manage customer connections. We strive to provide diversified and reliable paper products for daily and office use. Together with our reliable delivery support network, we hope Unique Paper can become the most sought-after reseller agency benefiting all stakeholders.
To find the most suitable PaperOne™ products for your business, contact us at