1 April 2021
Mr. Luke Tseng
Xing Chang Paper Co. Ltd
Welcome to the PaperOne™ customer feature, where we interview our clients to find out more about them, their company, their thoughts on the industry, and their partnership with APRIL Group.
本月的專訪,我們邀請到台灣杏昌有限公司的董事長,Luke Tseng。
This month, we spoke with Mr. Luke Tseng, Chairman of Xing Chang Paper Co. Ltd.
PaperOne™: Luke Tseng您好,很感謝您撥空接受我們的專訪,首先,請您先介紹您自己以及杏昌有限公司吧!
Hi, Mr. Luke Tseng. Thank you for taking the time to speak to us! To kickstart this conversation, could you give us a brief introduction to yourself and your company?
Mr. Luke Tseng: 嗨!您好!杏昌由我丈人創立,而我是第二代接班家族企業,和APRIL公司合作的契機是因其在台灣區拓展經銷商,而有幸藉由宇強國際有限公司的董事長Adam She的邀請,從2005年開始陸續協助APRIL銷售PaperOne™產品。Yes, I am more than happy to share. Xing Chang Paper Co. is a family business founded by my father-in-law, and I am its second-generation successor. Our partnership with APRIL Group started with a referral from Adam She, the Chairman of Unique Paper Corporation back in 2005. Since then, our company has been distributing PaperOne™ products. This year marks our 16th year of partnership.
PaperOne™: 這長達16年的合作經驗實在難得,想請問您,貴公司當初為什麼願意選擇APRIL,並長期合作呢?
Wow! 16 years of partnership is certainly notable. Do you mind sharing what made you choose APRIL Group initially and how it developed into a long-term relationship?
Mr. Luke Tseng: 起初是因為產品品質很好,紙張做得夠厚價格也具競爭力,所以銷量成績不錯。經營一段時間後,除了顧客開始依賴APRIL質優的產品,加上APRIL多元化的產品選擇,也成為顧客重點考慮的要素之一,其次是與APRIL的業務代表Andy Tan的配合良好的產品加上穩健的工廠後勤才是致勝的關鍵。
Since the beginning, we were impressed with its product quality. The quality of the paper is good and thick. Prices were also competitive. These led to good sales. Our clients turn to PaperOne™’s products for its reliable quality.They have also grown to like other products PaperOne™ carries. Coupled with a good working relationship with our sales representative, Andy Tan, and efficient factory logistics, our partnership with PaperOne™ has since evolved into a long-term relationship.
PaperOne™: 貴公司在經營客戶聽來別有心得,想請問能否請教您杏昌是如何取得成功的呢?
Xing Chang Paper Co. has received outstanding customer testimonials. Could you share with us some secrets to the company’s success?
Mr. Luke Tseng: 我們銷售的產品很多元,其他廠商專賣影印紙,而我們則是裁切紙及影印紙都賣再來就是配送速度與業務能力,常常客戶晚上9點多10點要貨也是使命必達,久而久之就與客戶建立起革命情感。此外,為了拓展企業規模,我們也在去年收購另一間位於桃園的紙商,藉此擴大在北台灣的通路及生意。
This is certainly flattering to hear. While our competitors focus on printing paper, we focus on variety and quality of service. We distribute a diverse range of products. In addition, we take steps to ensure speedy delivery and excellent customer service. For instance, we fulfill a delivery even if we receive it at 9 or 10 at night. This helps to establish a sense of trust between us and our customers. We recently procured a paper company in Taoyuan last year as part of our business expansion plans. Our goal is to expand our presence and sales in Northern Taiwan.
PaperOne™: 太棒了!成功之餘,想請問貴公司對於永續發展的PEFC標章有什麼樣的看法?會特別使用具標章的產品嗎?
That is really impressive! Apart from your success, what’s your company’s stance on the PEFC label? Does your company use products with the PEFC label?
Mr. Luke Tseng: 老實說,現在標章大部分產品都有,端看客戶要求程度。以前,中部的客戶相較不懂這些,更重視產品與服務上的人情味,然而近幾年因環保意識高漲,開始注意到此議題的客戶越來越多了。
Most of our products bear the PEFC label. Usage and distribution will depend on the customer’s requirement at this point of time. Our clients in Central Taiwan used to be less perceptive on the matter, as they place emphasis on relations and service levels. Nevertheless, as environmental awareness is increasing, we are also seeing a rise in demand for PEFC-certified products.
PaperOne™: 原來如此。接著想請教您,隨著電子雜誌、書籍以及電子文件的興起,請問您認為這樣的趨勢會如何影響紙漿以及造紙產業呢?
I see. Referring to the trend of publications going paperless, how do you think it will affect the paper industry?
Mr. Luke Tseng: 無紙化的衝擊還好,倒是台灣少子化影響最大。因為我們的主要客戶是公家機關與學校機構,隨著少子化,學校用紙的需求也當然跟著降低。另外,疫情導致的數位教育也同樣影響紙張需求,在此很感謝APRIL公司共體時艱,透過補助讓經銷商能持續堅持。
I don’t think the rise of the paperless industry is as critical compared to the decrease in fertility rate in Taiwan. Many of our clients work as government officials and school administrators. As the number of childbirths goes down, the demand for school paper decreases. In addition, digital education as a result of the pandemic has also decreased the demand for paper. We are truly appreciative of PaperOne™ for providing subsidies so that distributors can persevere through this period.
PaperOne™: 這是應該的,你們是我們最好的作戰夥伴,一定要共體時艱。最後,想請教您,對於貴公司未來五到十年的發展方向有何看法?
It’s the least we can do. We must find strength in unity, and support each other especially at a time like this. Last question for today – what are the priorities of Xing Chang Paper Co. in the next five to ten years?
Mr. Luke Tseng: 第一當然是面對少子化問題,我們計畫拓展產品清單,如灰卡白卡等,但因為這是更利基的領域,人才招募等都仍在佈局中;第二則是毛利管理,目前紙張毛利低,但我們仍看好長期經營勝出同業後,能再將價格與毛利拉高;最後則是服務精緻化,透過擴展北台灣市場,能發展新的商業契機。
Our top priority is to address the impact of low childbirth in the country. We plan to expand our product lists to include more niche products like gray cards and white cards. Next is to improve our gross margins. Paper sales carry little gross margin, but we are confident that in the long run , we will be able to raise the prices and gross margin. Lastly, we want to upgrade our services in order to expand our business in Northern Taiwan and find more business opportunities. Our company is actively looking for new talents, do let us know if you’re keen to find out about life in Xing Chang Paper Co. Thank you.
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